Welcome to My Personal Website.

Hi my name is Trent! Explore my journey as a computer science student, projects, updates, and insights. Connect and learn with me!

What I do..
(and do well)


Rolling With the Changes

Hey, ever tried picking up a new coding language over the weekend? That's me, thanks to my Navy days. I've got this superpower of adapting faster than your app refreshes. New tech, tight deadlines, no problem. It's like learning a new skate trick; fall seven times, stand up eight, and nail it.

Outside the Box, Inside the Code

Random art and skating aren't just hobbies; they're my secret labs for creative problem-solving. Coding's the same canvas but with pixels. Stuck on a bug? I'm your guy for those "Aha!" moments that break the deadlock, all thanks to thinking like an artist with a skateboard.

Let's Talk Tech

Being a part of diverse crews, from sailors to skaters, has made me pretty good at breaking down tech speak into human language. Need to explain a complex algorithm or project plan? I've got the skills to make it crystal clear, ensuring everyone's on the same page and having a good time.

Realize your true potential


Be Creative


Realize your true potential ✴︎ Be Creative ✴︎

Never Say Die

Thanks to the Navy and countless skate sessions, "give up" isn't in my dictionary. Hit a bug that feels like a brick wall? I'm on it, chipping away until it crumbles. Persistence is my middle name, and it's got me tackling code challenges like a pro.

Explore My Blog Space

Welcome to the corner of my world where I share everything from the pulse of tech news to personal passions like skating, photography, and art. It's where curiosity meets insight, offering you a curated selection of content that spans the spectrum of my interests. Whether you're here for the latest tech trends, a glimpse into my artistic endeavors, or stories from the skate park, there's something here for you. This blog is my digital diary, capturing the moments and innovations that inspire me.

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